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  • Geliştirici Editör Ceylan Hazinedar' ın Makaleleri

    MY PUBLISHED ARTICLES On this page you can find my articles written in the field of book and literary criticism, book introductions and critiques. You can reach some of my articles by clicking on the files on the side. I wish you enjoyable and enlightening readings.... Yayınlanan Makalelerim ve Kitap Eleştirilerim Dişi Bir İkarus:* Kadınlık-Yazarlık-Annelik Arasında Sylvia Plath / YKY Cogito, Annelik Sayısı Filozoflar Da Çocuktu , Radikal Kitap Eki "Bütün Büyük Şeyler Fırtınada Durur", Martin Heidegger, YKY Cogito, Heidegger Sayısı Borges’in Bir İcadı Olarak Borges, Notos Dergi “Anlatı Ormanı”Nda Bilge Karasu’yu “Yeniden” Okurken, Notos Dergi Kafka’nın “Baba” sı, Sabitfikir Dergi Hangi Dil Yazarın Evi?, Sabitfikir Dergi Kanon Savaşları, Sabitfikir Dergi · Romantizm: Moderniteye Rağmen Modernlik, Oggito Manguel’den ‘İyi Okur’ Olma Dersleri, Arka Kapak Mıgırdiç Margosyan Ya Da Acının “Minör” Dili, Arka Kapak Merak Kütüphanesine Acaba Kim Girecek?, İyikitap “Modern Bir Tarih Yazımı Projesi”, Metis Kitap Bir Alman Meselesi, Sabitfikir Bir Fotoğraf Felsefesine Doğru, Sabitfikir Tezer Özlü, Yeryüzünde Sürgün, Arka Kapak Fotoğrafı Eleştir-mek, Sabitfikir Hidayete Ermemiş Bir Agnostik / Hans Georg Gadamer, Sabitfikir İki B üyük Dünya Sistemi Hakkında Diyalog, Sabitifkir “ (...) Şimdi Ölmek Sanki Her Zamankinden Daha Yerinde”, Joan Didion, Sabitfikir “Güle Güle Kaktüs, Güle Güle Suriye!”, Sabitfikir Yeni Demokritos Melankoliyi Anlatıyor, Sabitifkir “Kara Kara” Düşündüren Melankoli, Sabitfikir Metafizik Bir Vatansız, E. Cioran, Sabitifkir Modern Dünyanın Hikaye Anlatıcıları, Sabitifkir Onun Evi Yok!, Sabitifkir “Ölüm Denizinde Yüzme”nin Dayanılmaz Ağırlığı, Sabitifkir Ölümcül Hastalık Umutsuzluk, Sabitifkir Bir Tecessüs Olarak Tarihsel Sosyoloji, Sabitifkir ‘Pasajlar’da Yürümek, Sabitifkir “Üzerinde Konuşulamayan Konusunda Susmalı” , Sabitifkir Varlık Ve Zaman Üzerine, Sabitifkir “Spınoza İle Karşılaşmalar”, Kitapeki 1 A Female Icarus - Sylvia Plath / Cogito Issue 81 "Motherhood" 2 Borges as an Invention of Borges, Notos Magazine 3 Re-Reading Bilge Karasu in the Forest of Narratives, Notos Magazine 4 Lessons on Being a "Good Reader" from Manuel , Back Cover Magazine 4 Exile on Earth / Tezer Özlü, Back Cover Magazine 4 Kafka's Father, Notos 4 Canon Wars, Notochology 4 Modernity Despite Modernity, Notos How did they write? A question of both a reader and a writer. In pursuit of this question, you will find an analysis of the writers you read in terms of life and writing, and you will witness the struggle of writing itself in every pen. All the articles in the book are the sum of my productions that have appeared in national newspapers, book supplements and literary magazines since 2009. If you write, you transform and you transform… CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Geliştirici Editör | Kitap Atölyesi | Yazar Buluşmaları | Kitap Kulüpleri

    Kitap Atölye is a platform that offers various services to improve the book reading and writing experience. The services offered by Kitap Atölye are as follows: Book Workshops: Reading and writing workshops organized with authors and experts. Author Meetings: Interactive meetings with authors. Readers' Workshops: Writing and reading workshops designed for readers. Book Clubs: Monthly themed book clubs, focusing on personal development and leadership books. For detailed information, you can visit the Kitap Atölye website. CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Ceylan Hazinedar' ın Koçluk | Editörlük | Danışmanlığı Yaptığı Kitaplar

    Books In this section, you can find the books for which I provided author coaching, editing and publishing consultancy.

  • Kitap Editörü | Geliştirici Editör | Yazar Koçu | Yayınevi Danışmanı | Ceylan Hazinedar İletişim

    Let's work together at every stage, from idea to book! Fill out the form and we will contact you. Herkesin Yazacak En Az Bir Kitabı Vardır! Adınız Soyadınız Email Metniniz / Eseriniz Hakkında Ön Bilgi Ve Talebiniz GÖNDER

  • Türkiye' nin En İyi Kitap Editörü | Geliştirici Editörü | Yazar Koçu | Yayınevi Danışmanı

    Developer Editor Book Editor Writer Coach Publishing House Consultant Instructor Author Agent / Literary Agent About me I am with you at every stage on the path from text to book I am Ceylan Hazinedar. I am an experienced book editor, writer coach and publishing consultant. I support and support writers at every stage. I guide you every step of the way, from the book writing process to the publishing stage. As a Book Editor, I provide detailed review and editing to make your manuscripts the best they can be. As a Writer's Coach, I provide motivation and strategy on your writing journey. As a Publishing Consultant, I ensure that your work meets the right publishing house. If you want to be a successful writer and present your book to readers in the best way possible, contact me. Let's make your dreams come true together! "Every writer, needs a good editor." READ MORE Books I Am Editor and Publishing Consultant for Our Collaborations Support Publications Dogan Book Dogan Solibri Can Publications Mundi Book Ithaca Publications Alpha Publications Boutique Publishing A7 Book Hayy Book Perseus Publications Theseus Publishing House What Do Those Who Work With Me Think? Brands I Founded CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Türkiye' nin İlk Kitap Küratörü | Geliştirici Editör Ceylan Hazinedar

    We approach books not only in terms of reading but also as objects. Sometimes they represent the most special corner of our homes and sometimes our workspaces with their unique features. As a book curator, I provide consultancy and application support to create your library in every area from your workspace to your home. But most importantly, I know you, as you know, the most important feature of your library is that it reflects you, no matter where it is. Contact us to apply.

  • Kitap Editörü | Geliştirici Editör | Yazar Koçu Ceylan Hazinedar'ın Hizmetleri

    Services I am with you every step of the way from idea to book. We bring your book together with its readers with developmental editing, author coaching and publishing house consultancy. Writer Coaching With writer coaching service, you will find the motivation you are looking for while writing a book and you will choose your goal and path with pleasure. Publishing House Consultancy Together we find the right publishing house for your book. Lecturership We review your file and make it meet the criteria before sending it to the publishing house. Developer Editorship We turn your draft texts into books with developmental editing. Project Book Editing We ensure that books on project names and topics are created and reach their readers. Special Consulting We hold 1-hour private consultancy sessions specifically for books and texts. CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Kitap Ajans | Online Kitap Tanıtımı | Geliştirici Editör

    Kitap Ajans is a platform that offers comprehensive support to authors throughout the process of publishing their books. It enables writers to deliver their works to readers in a professional manner through services such as editing, publishing consultancy and author coaching. Here are the services offered by Kitap Ajans: Editorial Services: Language and style editing of books. Publishing House Consultancy: Finding the right publishing house and managing the publishing process. Writer Coaching: Providing guidance to writers throughout the writing process. Book Agent: Building a bridge between the author and the publishing house. Developmental Editing: Developing draft texts. For more information, you can visit . CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Hakkımda | Editor

    I was born in 982 in Istanbul, Balat. I graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Stage and Performing Arts Management Department. Since 2009, my literary criticism, book reviews and articles have been published in various publications, including Sabitfikir, Radikal Kitap, Cogito, Baykuş, Back Cover, Good Book and Notos Magazine. Nowadays, I continue to write in the book supplements of the newspapers, Sabitfikir, Back Cover, Notosoloji, Cogito, Notos Magazine and Bookend. Via I provide writer coaching and developer editor services especially to new writers. copyrights of authors in Turkey abroad in addition to the representation Being the representative of broadcasting agencies and publishing houses in Turkey is one of my primary goals. All you want to share about me You can reach us at . You can also submit your requests for a free writer coaching session via the contact form. Remember, writing is living. If you write, you change, transform and transform… ABOUT ME ABOUT ME CONTACT LET'S WORK TOGETHER B your interests and the service you want to receive Can you summarize below? It will be returned within 24 hours at the latest. Success! Message received. send Contact

  • Blog | Geliştirici Editör Ceylan Hazinedar

    Tüm Yazılar No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

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